The past few weeks have been rough. I have passed kidney stones, had kidney infections, and a continuous UTI. YUCK! So the doctors told me to go get an ultra sound on my kidneys. Amber was nice enough to go with me, THANKS AMBER. As she was checking out my kidneys she decided that she was just going to check out the baby to make sure everything was ok. As we were carrying on our conversation, she asked me if we were going to find out what we were having....well sure enough, she was able to tell. I'm only 12 weeks, but its a............BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been feeling better, they have me on a high dosage of anti biotics. Hopefully I won't get any more of these problems with my kidneys. Chad is super excited for another boy and is super sad that he wasn't there to find out the sex of the baby. January 20th is still the due date!